On the crisis

The climatic crisis in which the earth finds itself is the result of sustained global warming resulting from an increase in the industrialized activity of humanity throughout the world. This activity, which derives most of its energy from burning fossil fuels, emits greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide and methane) and continuously increases their concentration in the atmosphere - to a level that has not existed for millions of years.
Warming and its consequences are already evident today: and its dimensions are growing, but in the coming years its effects are expected to grow exponentially, exacerbate and shake every component of our lifestyles. Affect the economy, security, quality of life and all animal and plant systems.
How the climate crisis is expected to affect Israel in the coming decades (until 2050)
The Middle East is one of the most vulnerable areas in the world to climate change. Expected damages in the coming decades include:
Consistent warming. This is expected all over the world, however in the Middle East it is occurring more rapidly and therefore the effects of warming will reach us faster and more strongly.
An increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves that will occur even more in crowded urban spaces and will endanger the health of many.
The amount of precipitation will decrease significantly in large areas of the country, - and will lead to dehydration of most water sources. It is also expected to increase in more powerful and destructive rainfall events. Desert spread to areas that are not arid today. Continued penetration of invasive species.
Fatal damage to the durability of the systems of terrestrial and marine biodiversity.
Increasing incidence of fires.
Increase in air pollution.
Lack of food and food security. Impact on agricultural crops - The quantity and quality of agricultural crops is expected to be significantly damaged as a result of extreme weather events and the spread of plant diseases.
Sea level rise and flooding in cities near the sea.
From a security and geopolitical point of view, these changes may increase regional instability, lead to mass waves of immigration - domestic and outside Israel, and lead to the flourishing of terrorist organizations.
The increase in cases of property loss and injury to human life as a result of the damage of the climate crisis will reduce the ability of insurance companies and the state to compensate victims.
Time to address the issue
The climate crisis requires urgent care. If the amount of emissions does not decrease significantly in the next decade, various processes will lead to an acceleration of the warming process from which recovery will take, probably hundreds to thousands of years.